Regulatory Update

Our quarterly regulatory updates ensure that financial organisations are well-informed about the latest developments in the relevant laws and regulations

Overview of Regulatory Update

The financial sector is constantly evolving. In such a dynamic environment laws and regulations change rapidly. To remain compliant, companies must continuously monitor developments.

To avoid any unpleasant surprises, Projective Group offers tailor-made regulatory updates to inform client of changes and developments relevant to their organisation. This way they will remain aware of current events and forewarned of upcoming legislative changes

Was wir tun

Our Regulatory Updates will inform you of relevant developments in legislation and regulations, so that you can anticipate what is about to happen. You will receive a comprehensive quarterly report, tailored to your organisation. Our specialists can then discuss the potential impact of these changes on your organisation and what steps should be taken to implement them.

Compliance-Software 'Ruler'

Ruler is our compliance software tool. Ruler helps you to understand what steps you may need to take to remain compliant and prepares you to be ready to take prompt action, should you need to. Ruler helps you to avoid any unexpected surprises.