The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) has been in force since May 2018. The regulation strengthens the rights of data subjects (the rights of the individuals whose data is being processed) and hands greater responsibilities to the organisations that process the data. Organisations are both responsible for complying with all data protection principles and demonstrating compliance.
Are you in the process of launching your business and feel uncertain about how to begin implementing GDPR legislation? Or do you want to make sure that your organisation is compliant with current privacy legislation? A privacy gap-analysis will help you in both areas.
During a privacy gap-analysis, which is also referred to as a ‘privacy baseline measurement’, we chart how well your organisation aligns with privacy laws and rules. Our role is to figure out the necessary actions to ensure your full compliance with all relevant regulations. A privacy gap-analysis has several key steps:
Könnten Sie oder Ihre Mitarbeiter einen Auffrischungskurs gebrauchen, um Ihre DSGVO Kenntnisse zu vertiefen? Über unser Schulungsinstitut, The Ministry of Compliance, bieten wir DSGVO Awareness Trainings an. Unser E-Learning-Kurs bietet einen einfachen Überblick über die Datenschutzbestimmungen. Nach Abschluss des Kurses sind Sie gut gerüstet für den Umgang mit persönlichen Data, den Umgang mit Data Lecks und das Verständnis der Rechte von Personen, deren Data erfasst wird.