As a financial organisation, the rules that you have to follow – and how even how society expects you to behave – are constantly changing. It is important for you to make sure that following these rules is embedded in your business functions, how people in your organisation behave and generally the way in which your company operates.
Our compliance specialists have great experience in setting up and improving the compliance organisation of financial companies. They know how to embed and anchor compliance within an organisation.
Governance plays a crucial role in establishing and enhancing the compliance organisation. How are the roles, tasks, and responsibilities related to compliance structured? This applies not only to the compliance function and officer but to all employees. A compliance charter will lay down and clearly describe these roles and responsibilities.
Using a proven step-by-step plan we organise your compliance processes with you, based on the compliance cycle. This will set out clearly how you will enforce compliance with the rules and regulations.
Die Einhaltung von Vorschriften sollte nicht kompliziert sein. Der Einsatz digitaler Lösungen kann helfen, den Prozess zu vereinfachen. Unsere Compliance-Software, Ruler, bietet einen Einblick in die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Gesetze und Vorschriften. Der rechtliche Rahmen bietet einen Überblick über alle Normen, die Ihre Organisation erfüllen muss, einschließlich einer Vorschau auf bevorstehende Änderungen. Das Kontrollmodul hilft Ihnen, auf strukturierte Weise zu bewerten, inwieweit Sie die für Sie geltenden Normen erfüllen.