
Projective Group supports recovery actions and helps to restore the trust of the regulator.


Your past performance affects the bond of trust that exists between you and the regulator. This applies both to the company and its directors.

It could be that an investigation or information request has led the regulator to believe that you are not following all the regulations. If this happens you must take quick and effective action to resolve the situation.

Helping you to find

The challenges you face come in different forms: they could include altering processes, repairing customer data files, or even transforming corporate culture. It takes team management skills and practical expertise in overseeing complex projects to resolve these issues.

Was wir tun

Projective Group specialises in restoring and maintaining regulatory trust. Many of our consultants have worked as regulators, fully understand the functions of this role, and have strong connections within regulators such as DNB and AFM in the Netherlands. We can offer support to both financial and (semi-)public organisations.

Wir können Ihnen bei der Konzeption, Umsetzung und Durchführung eines Sanierungs- und Verbesserungsplans helfen. Wir untersuchen zunächst die Art und das Ausmaß des Problems und erarbeiten dann eine Strategie, die Ihnen hilft, die Vorschriften wieder einzuhalten. Unsere Unterstützung umfasst:

  • Consulting with the regulator with you/on your behalf;
  • Offering a ‘second opinion’ to verify the facts;
  • Running a full Diagnostic or Quick Reputational Scan, to find sleeping issues and help you to respond proactively;
  • Offering project management skills;
  • Supplying experts to work with your team;
  • Supporting the enforcement of regulations;
  • Lodging objection and appeal documents.